Facebook Verification (only for person) [no PR required] 550$

Service type: Facebook Verification on Profile or Page - only for Person, no business&brands

For business, brands and other categories, please check my other topic → [click here]*

(Facebook Business Verification (NO PR REQUIRED) - 1500$) ←

Price : 550$ fee incl
Payment : USDT

Profile must be :
Active with shared post, full fit intro section (position job, where live, social connections), public friendlist, profile must be changed as Professional mode with Journalist category, need at least 5k followers - Exactly kind of changes i can tell you once i reviewed the profile you’re looking to get verified .

Page must be :
Category as Journalist. Other changes can let you once i reviewed it.

Timeframe :
30 days on the ticket (usually get verified at first submission, but sometime need to apply more)

For any question send me a private message

Feedbacks :



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Will neeed access ?

Okay got you

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My brother comeup with fire :fire: price

I need this but less TAT and best discount :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am interested

edited, no login required but will teach the clients how to self-submit once we arranged the requirements


Can you also do IG verification? Sorry for asking

pm me the case on a google drive link

any region?

So what is the Actual TAT? Will you consume 30 days if needed?

Get a client verified now in 5 minuts after get submitted, and another after 4 days-
So with 30 days we’re large expanded because can happen to submit more than a submission


I’m interested

I got verified ! Great service , perfect communication !

We will work together again for any other needed service ! Thank you man!

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@SMM pm’ed you

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What happens if something happened to your News Page that we appear to be a journalist through? Example if your page gets unpublished, do we lose the badge?

Our page it’s verified legit as n.p, and it’s published, so i can’t reply on “if get unpublished”; since didn’t happened how i can know that