Famous birthdays page

Service type: page on famous birthdays
Price: 150 GBP, soon 250.

Description: very affordable page creation. Timeframe days to a few weeks. New service. Very affordable. :slight_smile:

TAT - 2 days to 2 weeks, however usually done even in 24 hours in most cases

Requirement - 100k following on atleast a social media page or Spotify listeners, need dob, name, birth location, social media links.

This is solely done directly. I have an agency. :slight_smile:


Any requirements for page creation?

100k followers preferably

Got it, thank you for the response

1 Like

Hi im actually interested but does it have to be done today? Or can i prepay and you launch in the new year?

Pm me let’s discuss

Can you message me please! Want to use your service

100k following needed

still available?

Still available?

Yes 100k requirement can send all today, was on holiday

Able to customize the biography part?

Somewhat, not entirely .