Fast growing website - $4000+/month - 5k+ users a month

Domain name: Ask Me
Website included?: Yes
Price: 8000 or Best offer

Description: This auction is for an amazing website generating over $4k+ a month via selling poker chips for the popular facebook game. The website is growing quick and is already ranking on the top of google for the keywords related. Everyday generates sales.

I started the site over 1 year ago and it is now generating $4000+ a month just on poker chip sales. Site gets over 5k users a month with over 50+/users a day just organic traffic from keywords. This is a fully custom developed WP site that i’ve already spent over $2500 in dev costs alone to get it to where it is. This site ranks #1 in google many of the main keywords.

Included with the sale :
Domains -
Custom Website Platform

Please PM me and send some proof of earning and more info on all this

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PM Me with more info, margins etc…
How much time u spend managing this?

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Just a few chats yesterday from customers and leads. The chat is busy all day for the most part with orders.
