For Sale Monetized YouTube Channel (Travel Documentary) 28,000 Subs w/ Monthly Continues Income (4 Latest Videos w/ Paid Sponsorship)

Amount of subscribers: 28,000
Country of subscribers (majority): Philippines, USA, Canada
Topic/Niche: Short Documentary (Real Estate, Infrastractures, Environmental Problems, Current Events) Tourist Destinations & Real Estate Videos
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Short documentary style contents featuring real estate, mega infrastructure projects, environmental problems and current events. Also old travel videos.

Channel is in a very good momentum gaining hundreds of thousands of views, last 4 of 5 videos with paid product placements. Organic views.

Monetized with monthly instream ads revenue

Clean no history of copyright strike or community violation.

Recent sponsorship deals:

Reason for selling need emergency fund.

What’s the best price you can offer?

