FREE $1000USD! Abstract GIVEAWAY!

Thank you!

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Congrats - well deserved! Almost as deserving as I am of that band. So I entered your generous contest.

Lemme know which addy.

Seriously though, congrats on your major achievement.

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Worked with @Abstract lots of times and it’s always been a pleasure. Congrats for reaching the MC club and well deserved brother! :heart:



Drawing a Winner and they’ll receive 1000USD Friday!

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congrats @Abstract

Here’s my entry

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I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with @Abstract numerous times, and it has always been an outstanding experience. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Congratulations on reaching the MC club it’s a well-deserved achievement, brother! #112677 #6738153

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Congratulations :partying_face:

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Congrats @Abstract

Abstract be like

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congrats @Abstract !!!

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Congratulations again boss !! @Abstract

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Today I’m drawing the raffle for everybody who’s entered still have about 4 more hours to go- so if you have not entered, now is your chance!

Also, if you’ve ALREADY entered, please send me a message on chat with a link to your post just in case I don’t miss it. I probably won’t but it’s always good to double check!!

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ticket #6900420

Thanku bro in advance for 1k

Guys! This is who I have in the raffle. Im going to be drawing in the next hour! If you have not entered this is your chance to NOW. If I missed your entry, please let me know!!

Lex Luthor (I dont know your new username! lol)
@Media x2
@neo x2
@AdrianDigital x2


@holma x2
@pitbull x2
@chrome x2

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