Generic Instagram Usernames

Property type: 3 Instagram handles fresh to the market.
Why is it unique?: All generic words
Price: Best offer for each individually

Description: Selling 3 rare handles, fresh to the market, BTC only. Each account is under a protonmail registered OG email. These instagram handles are also pretty niche-able in my opinion.

Anything that happens to the account afterwards isn’t my responsibility.

Background about my SWAPD situation (incase you were wondering) : I used to provide unbans until i’ve became inactive due to family issues, on top of that my unbans partner has gone quiet. So i no longer offer unbans.

pm @'s :slight_smile:

pmd my guy

Pm pls


Send handles, thanks.

1 Like

sent to everyone

Pm plz

verify ID with @VERIFICATION

Pretty Much unique


Names please

verify ID with @VERIFICATION


only one handle left

@Administrators please close, all of these @s are sold