Get 1 Million YT views in 24 hours | Promotions Service via Youtube Ads | Monetizable Views

Service type: Youtube views via Google Adwords — Monetizable Views

Price: $220 / 100k views — 1800$ for 1M views ------ 5.5k for 5M views

(300k views Minimum order)

Delivery Time: 1m to 5m within 12 to 24 hours.

Source: Youtube Advertising

Demographics of views: Worldwide


BUMP – delivered two orders on-site.
Super fast delivery ---- legit views, source = Youtube Advertising.

Would like to try a sample if available

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Can do minimum of 300k views for a discounted price.

BUMP – delivered 3 orders on-site.
MONETIZABLE views, worldwide audience

Pm you

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Bots or real

What do you mean by monetizable? If these are done via ads, how are they monetizable? Also, how much money does 1m views generate if in fact they are monetizable?

As these are via ads, do you have some averages, ie watch time etc

I am interesting in knowing the same thing.

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