Get Full Featured on "US Edition" , Forbes US, TechCrunch, CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk, NyTimes ! || Organic Placements / No sponsored or AD tag || Exclusive CRYPTO Organic PR by U$DT! VIP Member

Get Featured in Top Publications: Bloomberg, NYT, Forbes, TechCrunch, and Cointelegraph (No sponsored or AD tags) (CRYPTO niche only)

Boost your brand’s visibility with exclusive feature article placements in globally renowned outlets. We specialize in connecting your project with journalists who can spotlight your story in leading publications, enhancing your online reputation and credibility.

Why Choose This Service?
We collaborate directly with our established network of journalists at renowned publications like Bloomberg, Forbes, TechCrunch, The New York Times, Coindesk and Cointelegraph. Our trusted relationships allow us to showcase your story to the right contacts, who then decide whether it fits their editorial needs. By providing compelling data, quotes, and unique angles, we ensure your project gets the best possible chance for a feature in high-profile outlets.

Starting Prices:

  • Bloomberg: $20,000
  • Forbes: $5,000
  • TechCrunch: $10,000
  • Cointelegraph: $15,000
  • The New York Times: $10,000
  • Coindesk: $8,000

How It Works:

  • Established Connections: We leverage our network of trusted journalists at top publications to present your story directly to them.
  • Tailored Inputs: You provide a link to your client’s project along with key highlights—such as news items, quotes, or unique data—to help us frame the most compelling pitch.
  • Turnaround Time: If accepted, the process takes two weeks. You’ll be notified whether your project is approved or not. (Ticket will start once project accepted by Journalist)

Final draft will be send to you for your approval!
Comment here to get samples, Thanks


Like to see some samples

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Pm samples please

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What are the qualifications?

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Interested, pls pm examples.


Check dm


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Thanks brother :pray:

GLWS :raised_hands: can you pm me I would love to have a conversation with you @USDT


Is this still available? Please send samples and whether or not they’re sponsored. Interested for crypto articles.


They are non sponsored, sending samples in DM

Pretty interested. Can you send samples? Ty