Gmail, you've won. We give up

Not sure how this will pan out yet, but I can safely say that 30-40% of Gmails are now getting perma-locked out during transfers, so we cannot do this any longer (being a middleman for Gmail transfers). We’ve tried everything! Their security system will terminate an account “for safety,” so you cannot win with that kind of reasoning. It’s like a mother shooting her son dead because he sneezed, in order to protect him from a possible worse sickness.

We will have to re-write our policies for any social properties that include Gmail accounts. Starting tomorrow, transfers will be done directly between the buyer and seller (for properties with Gmails). Users will have to clear SWAPD of any responsibility if things go wrong because there is nothing we can do if something DOES go wrong. But, we will still offer support to the best of our ability.

We will try to keep this new policy for users with past transaction history. Newbies, however, may still go through the risky process of having us move the accounts over.



Just an FYI (for the uninformed), most lockups happen when a third party (us) comes into play. It causes too many logins from unknown devices that terminate the inbox.

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You forgot to blame the only responsible person for all these issues @RandyMarsh.


Time to move to Yahoo!

Is it possible to force ban the original email, so no party can recover to eliminate the risk?

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@pmdy - Not sure.

@Ryan- No.


What email should we use? Hotmail? Yahoo?

ProtonMail (for now)


I think proton is the most simple in all & safe

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Would it not be easier buying a domain name specifically for the account, then when you are selling it, it comes with the domain name (so it comes with the OG)

Is it because the email has been accessed several times within a short period from different ips? Surely, an option to try would be to delay the changing of the account by something like 14 days. For example:

  • Seller gives credentials to swapd
  • Swapd changes credentials 7/14 days later
  • Swapd gives credentials 14 days later
  • Buyer logs in

Yes, its not ideal if this is a workaround, and is a lengthy process, but surely this is a better alternative than offering no protection via a middleman service such as yourself. Swapd is all about quality, and for me I wouldn’t mind waiting a month for a property to be exchanged if the property was of a particular quality. Quick flips with Gmail are dead, but I’m almost certain that a lengthy process would alleviate their automatic systems flagging the account.

Although, I would agree. Swapd has expressed difficulties previously regarding ProtonMail: PSA: Stop using Gmail for your new projects, not worth the trouble if you're planning to sell your asset later - #17 by SWAPD

Yes, and no. You can factor this into your price, but this is additional cost. However, the major concern is that a lot of users buying the account will not want to pay a yearly fee to keep the domain running just for a email serrvice. So, although its a great idea it does limit you to certain buyers. Although, high quality accounts shoud be worth more than a few dollars every year to keep running.


We can give your idea as a second option. But I seriously doubt anyone will be willing to wait 30 days.

That was just a extreme example. It might well just take 2 days, 3 days, 7 days, This is something you’d have to experiment with, preferably not with clients properties, but with gmails created specifically for this purpose. Try to emulate it, via Instagram password reset emails etc.

I think people serious about their business would be willing to pay a couple of dollars a year to get the clock ticking.

Heck, swapd could buy a little domain reseller and do it inclusively so people who don’t know how to, could do it easily here.


OK. Here is my idea.

Anyone peddling Gmails will be ridiculed by everyone :smiley: On top of that, transfers would go as follows:

  1. We tell the seller to create a ProtonMail.
  2. We tell the seller to switch from Gmail to ProtonMail.
  3. We then secure the property + proton mail.
  4. Then we ask the seller to move the Gmail directly to the buyer, and give the buyer detailed instructions on how to secure it.

This somewhat helps us vet the accounts (at least). What do y’all think? Yes? No? Or ban @RandyMarsh?


For a YouTube channel, isn’t the Gmail the same as the YouTube login?

No, we transfer YouTube properties via band pages.

It’s a good idea but I’d select ban yair!

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Would be awesome but have to make sure the seller cannot get back into it