Service type: Professional services for getting Instagram and Facebook pages blue ticked with money back guaranteed
Price: Facebook - $1800 USD Instagram - $2000 USD
Description: I will get your Instagram and Facebook pages verified regardless of number of followers provided you have very good online presence in terms of press coverage.
In the case there’s not enough press coverage, I can get a few articles published on reputable websites for the purpose of verification at a separate fee.
A Wikipedia page for the page/brand in question will be a major plus and will speed up the process twice as fast. I can get a Wikipedia page setup for you at a separate fee.
The verification will be done within 1-3 weeks provided all minimum criteria are met as mentioned above.
In the case of unsuccessful application, I will be able to resubmit within 30 days as this is a standard set by Facebook for resubmission of verification requests.
I will work hand-in-hand with you every step of the way.
I am available 24/7 via DM to respond to every inquiry and clarifications.
In the very rare case where there is dissatisfaction of my service, I guarantee your money back including all transaction fees.