Have a sensational Christmas day and an exciting New Year!

Take some time away from your desk at work, whether that means going on vacation or just taking a mental health day. Take some time off from the hustle and bustle of life so that you can spend more quality time with those around you. If possible, book annual leave early so that it doesn’t interfere with any last-minute plans during this busy season, like Christmas Eve dinner or New Year’s celebrations!

Technology can take a break, too. So can we!

In an age when we are always connected to our work and our social media accounts, it’s easy to let technology become just another task on our endless list of things to do. But there’s a good reason why tech companies aren’t called “work companies.” They exist to make our lives easier by providing us with access to information in real-time and connecting us with people who share similar interests—and sometimes even the same physical space as us! The fact that technology makes these experiences possible is wonderful—but it doesn’t mean that we should use them all the time.

Enjoy your holiday :slight_smile:

Take time to enjoy the holidays with friends, or even on your own if you’re like me, and live by yourself in a small apartment above an old lady’s garage who farts all day long and doesn’t give two shits about me! (I’m kidding, Mrs. Hastings.)

But seriously, take this period as an opportunity to really do what makes YOU happy! That could be watching Christmas movies until sunrise every day for two weeks straight (which I recommend), or going on a 5k charity run at 7 AM on December 25th just because it sounds fun (which is something I might actually do). Whatever floats your boat—do it!

Please remember!

It’s that time of the year when things slow down. During this period, we will offer limited support from December 23rd until January 2nd. We will be available for urgent issues, but general support and payouts may suffer a lag. We’ll be back to full service on January 2nd!


The post above was written entirely by an AI Bot :smiley: Always wanted to try this. Anyway, please remember that:

  1. We won’t be online much between December 23rd until Jan 2nd.
  2. Bank wires will suffer significant lag due to banks being closed pretty much world-wide.
  3. Payouts may also suffer lag due to limited support.

We will do our best to keep the lag to a minimum.

Love you! XOXOXO
– SWAMP Admin


Where is the mention of Hanukkah?

Read the second post.

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WOW, those AI bots are racist


Beep beep, jeewp jeewp. I agree.


Reminder! Support will lag in the upcoming days. Thank you for your patience.