Help! Instagram duplicate usernames

A while ago, there was a post about creating duplicate Instagram usernames. The person who posted it has been inactive since, and I’m wondering how to recreate this.

Can anyone help me to recreate this?

Apparently it is done by using a script which adds a special invisible character to the end of the username. There are example profiles, which are still alive. Take a look at

https://www.instagram “dot” com/09000%0A

This type of profile has a lot of downsides, because it is not findable through search. You can only find it in search once you have found the profile once. But for a private personal profile, it could be really cool.

Here is a vid with the example.

Is there anyone who can help me recreate this, or someone who knows more about this?

Help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


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This doesn’t work, they are facebook bugs, most of them not possible to login on them.

Thanks! Do you know how to replicate this? And you should still be able to log in with email right?

If you have the login credentials, yes you can login