High Quality & Permanent PR Services | One Time Fee Only

Offering Reliable and High-Quality PR Services and Brand Media Placements on US Media Outlets-

Prices depend on the sites you select.

I have following Media Publications available for Full-featured, PR, and brand mentions-

1. Forbes.com (brand mention).
2. TechRadar.com (Full-featured sponsored post).
3. IBTimes.com (full-featured)
4. LatinTimes.com (full-featured)
5. TechTimes.com (full-featured).
6. USAToday.com (full-featured).
7. INC.com (brand mention)
8. Allbusiness.com (brand mention)
9. Entrepreneur.com (APAC region, full-featured)
10. Entrepreneur.com (US Edition, brand mention)

DM me for the prices and samples.


Please send the price and sample for techradar, INC and Allbusiness

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Hi @bhavinswadas, sure.

Here are the prices-

Techradar: $3950, full-featured.
Sample- https://global.techradar.com/it-it/computing/software/how-to-choose-the-right-shipping-method-for-your-vehicle-with-roadrunner

INC: Mention guaranteed but not the link. Price is $2900.
Sample- https://www.inc.com/heather-wilde/3-considerations-before-starting-your-first-business.html

Allbusiness: mention+link+4-6 lines of coverage with the quote. Price is $2250.
No samples for this.

Let me know if you are interested.


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