Highly Engaged YOGA/FITNESS account with 100% organic followers

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 36.,986
Does it include the OG (original) email?: YES
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): ORGANIC, none of the above methods used

Description: Highly engaged YOGA account with 100% organic followers. This account was organically grown without using any promotion methods. The account is currently gaining 1500 followers a day with over 170k profile visits. I am currently posting 3-4 posts a day. The recent happenings related with COVID19 has increased the amount of people world wide practicing yoga and has accelerated the growth of yoga accounts. Message me for more information

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handle please

Pm me handle

Handle please

Handle please

Semi babes account


Pm handle plz

pm me the handle please

Handle please

handle please

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Handle plz

Interested, could you please send me the handle

whats the handle?

please send username

PM link please

handle please

Handle please.

Handle please
