[HOT] Selling dropshipping website

Hi everyone!
I am selling my ecommerce website becouse i am too busy with my main job.
The ecoomerce is 2 years old, i make around 2k/2.5k dollars each month just with organic traffic. I am giving away with it also an istagram account with more that 9k active followers (same niche).
Feel free to ask any questions

What about copyright infringement?

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LOL. Pay $12K to get your ass drilled wide open in court. Sweet. Shocked this website is even still up. Must be such a tiny blip on the radar.

Why don’t you sell the domain to Marvel? advertising@marvel.com

Could probably get more $. And avoid a lawsuit. Seems more of a win-win.

Or rather than sell fake unlicensed stuff join the Disney affiliate program and there are thousands of Marvel items. Grow the store into a monster, do it legit, and avoid the dropshipping headaches/chargebacks, etc. https://www.shopdisney.com/affiliates.html

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