How many buyers were actually able to acquire a portal through @Jamixson's "Portal Guide"?

This Mentorship categories itself is more of controversial topic nowadays. You point out something, then there will be another issue. Those were the days, no scams / no bs but pure service delivery.

Anyway Its good to see lot of people recently started speaking out loud about the mentorship issues.


Was sold the exact same method as well
Hopefully I reported it while in grace period and swapd saved me.

Let’s clear something up, this method was a two part method it was not a short term method and just that, there was a long term method in how to successfully become a Merlin member and register under their company to have your own Member ID and claims endless panels under the comfort of your own name and company!

It was clearly stated within my topic that you are leveraging other people’s relationships for short term panels, don’t know where that part confused any of you, they’re not your relationships in the short term, they’re someone else’s, it is clear as day that there was a way around it to get them and use them…

I know none of you actually went out of your way to use the long term method and become a Merlin Member with the criteria we’ve explained in our guide besides @Helpmehelpyou who became a Merlin Member within 72 hours of purchasing the method, so if the method doesn’t work, how could @Helpmehelpyou become a member? Clearly the long term method works

In regards to the short term method, I did highlight these individuals who successfully acquired panels within a day to a few weeks of having the method, will highlight them again…

@Lex_Luthor acquired Merlin ID and Panel in 24 hours with short term method

@Ace acquired Merlin ID and Panel within a weeks with short term method

@finallyverified acquired 2 Merlin IDs this month and became a Merlin Member and acquired 2 short term panels and 2 long term panels

@Helpmehelpyou became a Merlin member and grabbed a panel

With regards to the short term method, I hope you guys realize that the “panels” that you guys buy on site that are music or entertainment driven as sourced by either the short term method and the long term method from individuals who know how to acquire panels via the short term or individuals that have their own member ID. I could’ve went ahead and sold this method on-site for the price of the panels you guys buy and lose after a few submissions in the range of 25-35k, but I don’t need to do that on here, my off site market has a different budget for things like this that on-site clients typically don’t, and there are several people who had this priced similarly so I chose to create a competitive topic with a competitive price.

If we are being fair here, I was the first successful seller of this service on site, there were individuals like @Mohamxd who knows a lot about the method but also stated that for any panel after the initial $5k used to purchase method/guide he had, that he was charging $12,000 per panel successfully claimed… I did not do that, nor do I mind if that’s how he does business, that’s his hustle not mine. Shortly after everyone saw my successful topic, several people started copy and pasting my exact thread for sale, which I had several admins take down because they all seemed illegitimate and those admins did agree, so the topics were removed.

I NEVER claimed that every single person was going to get panels, which is why there was not a guarantee because if I did guarantee it, then I would have to do all the work for you which is not what the guide / mentorship was meant for, if I did guarantee it and do the work for you guys who clearly missed steps and shared IP to non purchasers, you’d all be happy with panels. Guaranteeing it also came with a completely different price, because my time is valuable and so are my effort. This method still works, the link has definitely been updated, and we’ve never had issues acquiring panels ourselves. We’ve actually sold panels in an auction here that was sourced that way as well!

All in all, I didn’t scam anyone, if I scammed anyone then those individuals names above would’ve never acquired panels nor became partners, how would this not work if it worked for a few that bought it at different times and not all at the beginning of sales? Doesn’t make sense. I also did not create a fake google document like some individuals here that have been exposed by @onlyusernames many times and their chats of them selling a LINK with NO KNOWLEDGE OR MENTORSHIP and allowing people to think that all they need to do is fill it out and they’ll get a panel, that’s not how this works! That’s called scamming, and you guys who were reselling the link and sharing it and selling the guide caused that specific link to be patched and require more in terms of the criteria it took prior to acquire panels using that link we gave you access too!

There were several people reselling the real link and fake link and exposing too much information which caused a grey area in the mentorship which is why half way through the month I closed my topic because this became too messy and sloppy on what was going on with the shared IP so I let all the “gurus” who “didn’t” steal my information and “created” it themselves (but listed after my topic) enjoy a quick sale and take the spotlight and we see what happened.


I have to admit all this drama lately is kinda entertaining :joy::joy:

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it might be worth it to implement something where an admin tests the method before allowing it to be sold. I’ve seen this on another site, the admins will test the service or method or info and the first post in the thread will be an admin confirming that it works, and if they didn’t confirm it they’ll say that also and make it clear it’s a buy at your own risk kind of thing. could cut down on a lot of the dumb ■■■■.

it’s kind of frustrating how often one or a couple people get a whole subject banned, like the reels stuff or spotify streaming stuff. obviously it has to be done when people are getting burned but still.


I don’t know many details about this drama as I haven’t read everything but you are saying it’s fair for people to pay thousands and not be able to get even a single panel which was the whole point of the method?


I honestly think guides to getting anything related to portals, usernames, verifications etc should not be allowed. too much risk


I agree with method validation before being able to be offered to the public!

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