How To Get A Taken Username | Instagram Username Claim Service [SWAPD Partner & Best on SWAPD]

Lmk if you can ever do 3 letters 6k budget

Vouch for @onlyusernames

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Orders completed! Looking for new ones!

Question: I have 2 accounts, 1 verified, 1 not verified. Can you change the handles so the handle of the non-verified, becomes the handle of the verified so that the followers and images of the verified stay and only the handles changes?

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Please send us a PM. I will check.


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Since I cannot PM yet. What would the price be on a username like “Ace” on Instagram?

Owner is active on that acc

Alright no problem man! Thank you.

16 Successful Orders


sent PM

2 new successful orders on Swapd!

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Orders has been successfully completed. Looking for new ones! :space_invader:

can vouch for @onlyusernames. super fast and easy to work with

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Can you change hande of a verified acc without removing the badge?

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Yes, we can do that. Please send us a PM.

@onlyusernames just got me the username I wanted in just over 24h - it was super easy and no hassle at all… probably one of the best social media related sales I have ever partaken in. Can’t recommend this legend enough.

+1000 vouch points


@moderators Can you re-open? Thank you.

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