I want to open a debate about this, almost 3 years ago I have a very large domain at the level of “Google” but it is not “Google”, I won the domain by lottery since in my country where I live they launched a new URL extension and the domains that were chosen by several people were going to go to a raffle and one of those domains would be won by me.
I contacted lawyers about this but it’s all a debate some say it’s worth millions others a few thousand dollars, but my doubt is that you believe my domain is worth millions or just a few thousand dollars, I never put it up for sale because it’s one of those things that you have saved there to see if that gigantic company will contact you to acquire it in the future, I also received a rather suspicious email to acquire said domain that I don’t know if it was a trap from them to acquire it at a lower price, but well, getting to the point, yes You have a domain like “Google” or “Bing” in your hands and during those 3 years no one disputed what you would do? I don’t want to say which domain is for my protection.