I’ve just reached $5k in sales in swapd, extremely grateful for this site because it’s the best , better than upwork, fiverr or any other platform …writing this so in the future I could look back at this moment.
W swapd
I’ve just reached $5k in sales in swapd, extremely grateful for this site because it’s the best , better than upwork, fiverr or any other platform …writing this so in the future I could look back at this moment.
W swapd
Keep it up!
Moved to Inspiration Hub - Good work, my man! The road to success consists of many small steps! You are on the right path.
However, I personally do not think we’re better than Upwork or fiverr Those sites are giants with exclusive platforms
But we do one thing better: we have an army of super-sellers who can perform tough jobs
In addition, many services listed on SWAPD cannot be found on mainstream sites because (according to popular belief) they’re iLLeGaL.
Glws brother
Congrats! On to the 50k!
Congrats G
You are wrong big brother BOSS! This is a platform for quality people like you, do not compare it with Upwork Fiveer, we are many times better than them.
Yay, someone reads our emails
Congrats, let’s hit 10k$ shortly !!!