IG Entertainment panel available. Can process username claims, account recoveries and verifications

IG Entertainment panel available at $65k USDT/USDC. Can process username claims, account recoveries and verifications.

North America

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Do you have one?
Do you even need one?
If not, can you afford one?

If there’s x3 no, why try being a smartass and comment this nonsense here…?


Just providing some guidance in terms of average pricing as I realized he is not a VIP or experienced seller here.

Can I afford one? Yes, easily. And no I don’t need one.

You Might want to leave your anger issues offline when you hop on the computer. Peace out

That’s not guidance, this is shitting on someone else’s post so others will hesitate to deal after reading your comment

Do you really think you just come at a store yell that they sell coke for 3$ while the store on the next street sells for 1$, and they just say amen and match prices the next day?

That’s not cool and disrespectful


I don’t really remember asking for your opinion but thanks anyways.

Yeah, and they OP haven’t asked for yours as well, that’s the point of my comment

Yet it’s you creating all the trouble. Stop the drama, I was Just trying to help. You know he’s not going to sell a portal like this for $65K with almost no feedback . He better needs to rethink the whole situation to support his sale better or direct it differently. Let him come to me with any complains.

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I might have took you serious if you didn’t do exactly what you are complaining about to someone else 4 days ago



Yes learning from mistakes and passing on the message :wink:

@Nate4491 :grin::grin::grin::wave:


Hahahahahahaha. I knew you were just that kind. Unreal @Rinkyo7

Thank you for this!! :rofl::fire:

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