∆ Instagram account 172k followers | Top usa √ Current email √ +200k impressions

Country of followers (majority): USA and latin america
Amount of followers: 172k
Topic/Niche: Dance ✓ trends ✓ tiktoks ✓
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Not, Only current email (Linked for 2 years)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic


I can only accept paypal payments.

I am selling cheap because of the violations that it currently has (you can hire a violation cleaning service), and because I cannot deliver the original mail since I used a personal mail for more than 2 years, however the current mail has already been linked for 2 years .
I practically sell the followers since the account is in disuse, I am not currently using it

If you require more information do not hesitate to ask me.

PD: the account has 3 violations (2 in June and 1 in July), I appealed to these violations at the time and when I received the last one in July I decided to deactivate the account while waiting for a response from Instagram, I just activated the account again and it turns out that they have not considered the appeal. The statistics are “dead” since as I told you about the account I decided to deactivate it and I just activated it again, as soon as I have the geographic location of the public I will be updating.

Updated :ballot_box_with_check: :up: :money_mouth_face: