SWAPD is a trusted middleman service dedicated to offering our users the safest way to buy, sell, or trade items and services of virtual nature. SWAPD opens doors for you to earn and rise to fame in the digital universe by connecting you with vast network of buyers, sellers, and opportunities.
Some people say they can only do username that are inactive but try active ones under certain circumstances. I have a three letter that is 1 year inactive that I’m willing to pay a lot for. Could this service provide that? Thanks
I have a username I want which is active, however I own this same username on every major social media platform including: Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat and many more. I’m even verified on Twitter (Bluetick)
hey! I’m looking to claim a 5 letter handle. last activity was september 2019. it is clearly a cover and has no real activity or followers. let me know if you can do this. thanks!