Instagram and Facebook Username Claim!

We offer username claim service on Instagram and Facebook. Price is $1.5k to $5k depending on how rare the name is it.

We can also change username of verified accounts without losing verified badge.

Our success rate is very high and we can claim generally names that are 6 letters and above.


  • Instagram Username Claim: $2000 to $5000 + SWAPD fee
  • Facebook Username Claim: $1500 to $3000 + SWAPD fee

Requirements for Username Claims:

  • Must be a few years inactive.
  • Must be 6 characters or more.

Payment Option:

  • Bitcoin

The timeframe for all the above is generally 1 to 10 days usually.

Pm for details! :zap:


Still Active!

He delivered a Name Claim for me. Highly recommended to anyone who wanna have this service.


We can also change username of verified accounts without losing verified badge. :purple_heart:

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Some people say they can only do username that are inactive but try active ones under certain circumstances. I have a three letter that is 1 year inactive that I’m willing to pay a lot for. Could this service provide that? Thanks

I have a username I want which is active, however I own this same username on every major social media platform including: Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat and many more. I’m even verified on Twitter (Bluetick)

It’s also 5 characters.


I sent PM to all of you. :purple_heart:

Still Active!

Hi, PM’ed you,

Hi, I PM’ed you.

Still Active!

Interested, serious buyer

Still Active! :purple_heart:

Price for changing verified account username ?
& any success doing it on swapd ?

Sent PM.

I know it’s 5 characters, but any chance you can get Edited by staff, share handles in DM.


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This is impossible due to Instagram rules. :purple_heart:

Ok thanks. I wanted to confirm as another popular user here on the site claims he can get it.

hey! I’m looking to claim a 5 letter handle. last activity was september 2019. it is clearly a cover and has no real activity or followers. let me know if you can do this. thanks!

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