Instagram Music Trending Service! Elevate Your Music's Reach!

Welcome to a game-changing opportunity for musicians! :star2: Unleash the full potential of your music with our exclusive Instagram Music Trending service, meticulously designed for both budding artists and established maestros.

Old Music: $1800
New Music: $1500

Timeframe - Trend in 24-48 hours!

500+ Reels included & will remain in trending till next 5-7 Days | Potential Virality! :rocket:

Act Now! Your Music Deserves to Trend! :star2: Ready to amplify your music’s reach and impact? Hit us up, and let’s embark on a journey to make your sound the talk of the town! :globe_with_meridians::notes:

DM for Details and Book Your Slot Today! :envelope_with_arrow::rocket:

Some of our recent case studies are here:-


This is amazing. Looking to add this to my rollout

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Interest for client. PM details - main question is this trending in USA or certain country?

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Instagram trending is different from twitter trending, it’s same all over globe. If you music is trending it will trend everywhere.

Thanks - any case study

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Yes, screenshorts are attached in the post itself

I’m interested in adding this to my roll

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Sure, you can :handshake:

are you available early march ?

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Yes, I am just a text away