Instant article

Does anybody have an old instant approved article page they will sell? Or can anybody get instant articles approved? Ready to pay thanks.

I can aprove IA, but the price is high.

What is price?

Free Way

  1. Open website on / or other known website constractor like blogger even
  2. add 10-20 articles
  3. create facebook page with the name of the website or something similar
  4. Publish 1-5 articles in the page and post them to few groups on facebook about that if you post diy post to diy groups 1-2 posts a day
  5. after you get 15k visits appeal

As he said, but just know that traffic is the key. I sent 100k+ pageviews on my domain for 7 days, and yesterday I submitted the domain and it was approved. Note: that traffic should come from inside FB and FB measures that way and doesn’t take insights from like pixels, and this is 100% valid as a FB developer confirmed.

FYI, as per this guy asking 2.5k€ just know he actually policy violated one approved instant that a friend gave it to him in 2 days. Jesus, he put a blank rss feed for ingesting.


Hahahahahahahahahahahah funny