Introducing a new category: Community Warnings - It's the lite version of our Black Book

Long story short, more and more scorned scammers and banned members are going on rampages, spreading false information about us and other SWAPD members online. We need to fight fire with fire and show our side of the story. This is what prompted us to open a new section. Also, we’ve noticed that many conmen figured out that they can stay anonymous and keep trying to mess with our community by signing up over and over again. We plan to limit this by shining a little light on these individuals.

What is the Community Warnings category and what can I post in it?

You can use the new category to warn others about the potential and confirmed threats to keep our community safe. Please read our category rules before posting in this section.

Community Warnings Category Rules

This category is for warning other SWAPD members about potential or confirmed scammers, in order to protect our community. This isn’t the Black Book section (reserved for PM/VIP/DC members), that category is reserved for the worst of the worst offenders who defrauded our clients for large amounts of money. Please keep it civil and refrain from vulgarism or personal threats.

In this category you may:

  • Warn other members about potentials scammers and fraudsters.
  • Post their information that’s freely available online.
  • Show proof of wrongdoings.

In this category you may not:

  • Share photos of ID’s.
  • Share personal photos of accused individuals.
  • Dox members (home address/phone).

In short, you are allowed to share things you’ve found online such as first/last name, emails, links to listings on other sites, and links to social profiles.

You can join the discussion here: Community Warnings - SWAPD


That was needed @SWAPD Thanksss!

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Much needed thread…:100:

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