iOS and & Android Game/App. Famous Characters (Trump, Tate & Musk). [Price Updated: $1500]

:video_game: App for Sale: Up & Beyond the Matrix
:globe_with_meridians: Available on iOS and Google Play
:moneybag: Price: $2,500

:mag: Overview:
“Up & Beyond the Matrix” is an interesting gaming app featuring playable characters such as Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet-David, Keanu Reeves, and Donald Trump. With minimal promotional efforts so far, this app is waiting for the right person to explore its potential and help it grow.

:star2: Viral Potential:
Imagine creating engaging half-screen TikTok videos by combining gameplay with these iconic characters and their usual real-life footage. With a thoughtful organic or paid promotion strategy, this app could gain traction on TikTok, leading to increased downloads and revenue.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Monetization:
AdMob monetization is already integrated into the app, offering an revenue stream once downloads and user engagement increase.


lol very nice price GLWS! :verified2:

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Huge potential, go get big baby!

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Damn, this is cool. GLWS

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Thanks! :blush:

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Price changed to $1500.