Is Verification Worth The Investment?

Twitter verification does a major role in trending. It gets views & rts just for being verified. Your political statement is worth only if u get verified

Twitter verification > any other s.m verification


Get myself verified everywhere in 2015/16 and I became one of the “top” Experts on the verification social media things. as well as having verified hundreds hundreds hundreds and hundreds of customers … verified for free because the contact was my friend so didn’t paid anything (years ago no need to have press Forbes etc, some kind of category get verified easy) . otherwise I would have paid a few thousand dollars. but to date I can say that I have earned more than 150k usd in these years. it is not much but compared to a normal salary in Italy it is like the salary of a worker who works 15/20 years to get the same sum. the money you earn comes back to you in few time . people will ask you about the verification and they will automatically become your customers. their customers will become customers of your customers and so on

:warning: Point : leads if you are interested on resell the service. If you know lots of people then worth the investment


It solely depends on how you’ll handle that blue check mark.

If you have some kind of talent, wanna sell your product to general mass, send traffic to your business; it will “probably” help.

But if you love staying low and enjoy your life not showing off to public, it’s honestly not worth much.

Also, if you have a face like @Posad do not even think of spending money on Verification.


Definitely worth it.

Only thing what holds me back from getting verified is posting pictures. I haven’t posted a single photo on social media in 7 years (and 0 in total on IG).

If someone can verify my account with only a couple pictures, hmu :smiley:


If you have minium 6 post and can share just 2/3 new, and obv have requirements, let me know


Official requirment is only 1 post for IG.

Well if someone can get the job done with 1 post, hmu :sweat_smile:

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If you qualify all req’s and have press, anyone with media panel can do it.

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Obviously looking for PR + verification, as I’m the most boring person in the world and have 0 press

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Most cases if you do something interesting, just go to local newspapers and ask to write an article about you for free. Most local newspapers can help a ton to get verified. You might just have to purchase extra PR on top of it.


@SMM your lucky you didnt pay 1000$ for your verification :heart_eyes:

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For me, yes. I have it on my personal FB and i post in a lot of groups, generate sales that way. So for instant credability its fantastic. Big shoutout to @Goofyand @SMM for making it possible


I mention first time, in 2016 when i get verified on FB Profile, Page and IG . Not sure if u know me at the time ! Once that, i get verified-banned lots of other times lol

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Hey can I ask how’d you get verified without paying ? What’s your brand??

Definitely agree with this. If you have access to a panel and you are verified, it’s a gold mine in terms of acquiring new clients. People will reach out to you about how you got verified, and those people will eventually become clients, and then it keeps snowballing.

Also, from what I’ve seen, @Jkr123 is right. We assume that getting verified through a panel is common knowledge, but that’s not the case. The average person has absolutely no idea what a media partner / panel even is.

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Anyone who can get my own page REMOVED BY STAFF verified? This for business purposes.
I have no press no articles nothing but own 3 companies and am pretty well known by famous youtubers, netherlands but also world wide.

if so how much would it cost and what would u need from me?

Kind regards,

@SMM why do you turn every topic about verification into a giant ad man, very very annoying.
We alredy know you verify people lol.


This is a great trend! I have a question if anyone can help I’m a musical artist and have a lot of credibility behind my name since 2007 do I still have to have press/articles to get verify or can I manage to do it how I am now? I have google knowledge panel and a lot of social media? Someone let me know please.

Tbh I think getting verified can help me get more traffic since people wanna see who I am and I can promote my merch more and my music . Someone help lol

Don’t cry

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Im going to cut myself.

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