Kitchen design

Country of followers (majority): us
Amount of followers: 81.6k
Topic/Niche: kitchen design
Does it include the OG (original) email?: yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

kitchenDesign page with great content ,using only organic methods to grow it daily. Never used any automation tool or DM groups. Lots of opportunities to monetize with shoutouts, affiliate marketing and ecommerce too. Ready to sell Immediately

Handle and price?

Tell me your offer ?

Hi, price and handle please?

Handle and Price

Tell me your offer

Handle and Last Offer.

Handle and latest offer, please.

Handle and current offer?

link and current offer. Thanks!

Please send me the handle and BIN range I am interested.

hi please can i have the handle? do you have a price you are looking for?

Handle please?

Paypal 1500$


Paypal 1500$

Hiiii, thanks for the reply. Please can you send me the handle :slightly_smiling_face:

Please message the handle thanks.

handle please, whats the current offer

Paypal 1500$