SWAPD is a trusted middleman service dedicated to offering our users the safest way to buy, sell, or trade items and services of virtual nature. SWAPD opens doors for you to earn and rise to fame in the digital universe by connecting you with vast network of buyers, sellers, and opportunities.
Hello, I have an instagram with about 20,000 followers and I would like to hire a social media / IG manager who can post content for me aswell as possibly follow accounts that will follow back / unfollow etc… I travel the world quite often and want somebody who can actively post and make reels of the travels I do.
Requirement is previous experience…I am trying to build an instagram following so that is my main objective. Looking for someone who was the recipe for real engaging new followers and consistently…
I’d be able to help, reach out to me with more specifics like budget, how many posts a week etc. and we’ll work something out based on budget and needs. Only looking for long term relations though with reliable clients. If that’s you then lmk, have a large portfolio of past pages I’ve grown from scratch all organically.