Loose $400K in Scam Crypto Exchange

One of my friend loose $400K. He use few Exchanges which are Scam. He deposit funds in these exchanges through his Binance account. And now he can’t withdrawal his funds in actual.

Is there any way to recover funds?

Exchanges he use-



I can not understand how you could deposit any amount of $$ without making some researches…

Sorry to hear that but how could he deposit such a high amount to an unknown sketchy looking exchange…

I was also shocked when i heard this. Even if we desrch only Grttex first article of this fake exchange exposing it as scam

Well, I am not sure how you could recover already sent crypto payment.

There is 30% Tax on crypto Profit in out country so he deposit in these exchanges to avoid Taxation as Decentralized Exchange :sweat_smile:

Unless he realized his gains there isn’t a taxable event and if he did then it’s already too late. And those websites are far from decentralized even if they were real. But maybe he can get a tax write off now, considering his loss?

The poor man always loses twice.

He could move to ledger or trustwallet, you name, and sell to someone else.