Mental health issues and internet use. How do you guys deal with making money online 24/7?

Let’s start off with:

Excessive Internet use may create a heightened level of psychological arousal, resulting in little sleep, failure to eat for long periods, and limited physical activity, possibly leading to the user experiencing physical and mental health problems such as depression, OCD, low family relationships and anxiety

The effect of psychiatric symptoms on the internet addiction disorder in Isfahan's University students - PMC.

Hey SWAPD Family,

Today, I want to step away from our usual topics to discuss something deeply personal yet universally relevant - the impact of the digital realm on our mental health.

The World Wide Web, with its unlimited reservoirs of information and opportunities, is a double-edged sword. As someone who has navigated through both the physical labor market and the virtual marketplace, I’ve seen the stark contrast in how both worlds affect our well-being.

1. The Contrast with Physical Labor

When I was engaged in labor jobs, the physical exertion, though tiring, left me with a sense of accomplishment and mental clarity each day. The simple, tangible tasks and the real-world interactions painted my days with different shades of happiness. It’s funny because all my life, I wanted to be in the position I am right now. I work from home and have the luxury of not answering to anyone. But, it seems this luxury comes with a price.

2. Information Overload

Transitioning into the virtual world, I soon realized the challenges it posed. I noticed how consuming immense information, like endlessly scrolling through TikTok before bed, often led to restless nights. When I switched to reading books, my sleep quality and mental peace significantly improved.

3. Isolation & Screen Time

The long hours in isolation, constantly staring at the screen, started taking a toll both mentally and physically. It became evident that this lifestyle, without balance, could lead to profound repercussions.

4. The Role of Exercise

Integrating workouts into my routine has been a game-changer. Exercise has been my refuge, helping me combat the stresses and anxieties stemming from the online environment. Even simple house chores improve my mental state. And again, it’s a funny combo. Because I get mad for losing time doing chores, but I feel better doing something real.

5. The Work/Life Balance Dilemma

However, achieving a harmonious work/life balance in the digital realm is tricky. The competitive nature of making money online requires hours of commitment, and stepping away feels like losing ground.

6. The Struggle is Real

Many of you might resonate with this struggle. The anxiety and stress related to making money online are real. The constant hustle to stay ahead, the isolation, and the information bombardment can lead to mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

What’s your take on this?

Let’s use this topic to share our experiences and coping mechanisms. How do you maintain mental health while navigating the digital world? How do you balance the need to stay informed and connected with the need to disconnect and relax?

Managing Mental Health:

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Allocate specific times for work and relaxation. Stick to them.
  • Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your routine. It’s a natural stress-reliever.
  • Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of your information intake. Opt for quality over quantity.
  • Socialize & Communicate: Regular, meaningful interactions, even virtually, can reduce feelings of isolation and stress.

The goal here is to build a supportive, understanding community where we can openly discuss the mental challenges of our chosen path and help each other find a balanced, healthy approach to working in the online space.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions.


3 packs of cigarettes a day and stress…

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Some of our members may be younger and not understand this. But I personally been online for too long and found myself needing to take longer breaks from it, otherwise I go crazy.


Thanks Doctor @SWAPD

Meditation, Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati Pranayam. Yoga Exercises. Playing sports and listening to music!


Gym, meditation, time outside, and sex :handshake:

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@Comfy right now:

Oh Man Reaction GIF by Bounce


That’s me right now but jokes aside trying new things is what fills life with joy.

Motivation - Belief in what I want - Smart & hard work - Good food - Great friends - Strong contacts.

  1. I wake up and follow my daily routine to get ready
  2. I start doing things I love
  3. I don’t drink or smoke, so I maintain a positive lifestyle
  4. I don’t have set times to start or finish my work
  5. I don’t go out often, usually, I go out to buy food or fix the stuff that I need to do
  6. I’m always trying to learn new things to keep myself away from getting bored
  7. I’m always hungry for more, which motivates me to do more

P.S. There is no weekend in my life. I always work, even during my trips, to keep myself up.


I like this. I always set deadlines for myself, don’t finish, and get angry and stressed.

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Whenever I feel health issue I beat @Brant to make myself calm Ez :smiley:

Punch You Oh No GIF by GritTV

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I can’t stand working on mobile/small devices. Need my widescreen, otherwise I am not productive. Probably also why I am going blind :smiley:

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Wait, y’all make money online?

A little bit

depressed the simpsons GIF


ok boomer

This one fucks me up tbh, you can not take a 5-minute-break without thinking that you have to keep working as you may lose momentum.

I am really far away from the live i wanna live, this is a big stressor.

I was the same way until recently. I genuinely try to enjoy my weekends as much as I can. I still look into stuff, but not as much as in the past.

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