Monetized channel with 6.92k subs 750k views price dropped

Amount of subscribers: 6.92k
Country of subscribers (majority): usa
Topic/Niche: music
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): organic

Description: monetized channel with 6.92k subs 750k views

can i have link?

Could i grab link too, thanks

Link me

link please

Link pls

Link please



I guess the limit was made around 20k minimum subs for youtube aswell :raising_hand_man:t2:

not for verified or monetized accounts

Link please.

Link please!

pm me mate

PM please!

Link please

Why is it not making money if its monetized?


copyrighted content probably, it’s a channel in the music niche. Not easy to earn revenue.

Every song he uploads gets copyrighted. (not striked)

The revenue goes to the owner of the song; that’s why the channel has $0 of revenue.

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Makes sense