Monetized Youtube Channel - $100 Monthly Earning

Amount of subscribers: 1.415
Country of subscribers (majority): Latina
Topic/Niche: Music
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): %100 Organic

Description: I will upload 500 videos to the channel and so you won’t have to upload videos for life, you will just have to schedule it. The income obtained is 15 days. You will easily earn 100 dollars every month.


I will buy it now for 200$

The channel earned $74 in 12 days this month :slight_smile: so the price is final

If you change your mind message me
Have a great day

Bump bump bump :rocket:

def might cop this come thursday
unless you’re willing to trade for a reels bonus IG page?

No, thanks.

Bro can I buy it for 400$ I only have 400$

no final price 550 usdt + fees

Can i have the link?

Is there a reason you do not do this yourself?

No, I’m already doing it :slight_smile:

hello! can i get the link?