Monterey's Story

In 2017, I failed creating a website marketing agency. My dream was to have a remote income and travel the world while doing so. It had been 4 months on a beautiful foreign island, I spent all my time working, and I still couldn’t get it to work.

A few years later and my little marketing company generated over $1.5 million in revenue.

In short, I did a little over $16k a month profit, with my highest month for the year being over $60k. All this without having to work tons of hours and not needing to have 100s of clients.

So back in 2017, I went back to the United States and got to work on a full time job. I would do that 8-9 hours a day and then once I was done there, I would go back to work on my agency, this time focusing on lead generation services.

I would go to networking meetings, send out 2,000 emails a day, Linkedin messages, Facebook, and Instagram all to get more clients. A few of them came, one to do a new website, another for SEO services:

And then even the bigger payments started to come for lead generation services $2,400. But things were moving too slow. It was taking too much time to get the income up. And I realized with my big $2,400/month client, that some of these guys are just a pain.

So I got a marketing program and invested with them. They knew what they were doing (or so I thought). I put my all into the course, did exactly what they said, I spent 3 hrs in the morning sending emails, and another 8-10 hours a day on sales calls, and it all was a pain in the ass.

The clients I got, I didn’t want. They complained, didn’t pay enough, and always wanted to have meetings or to have feedback about our marketing. Scaling an agency in this way was annoying, time consuming. and exhausting. There just had to be a better way.

I took some time off and rethought the agency. Somehow I just knew there had to be a better way. And it hit me one day that I had to sell to the top companies, ones that had plenty of marketing budget and who would just spend 10s of thousands of dollars with me every month.

And so that’s exactly what I did. I found companies who were easy to work with, didn’t complain, and who would pay their bills. This allowed me to go from $2,000 a month all the way until consistently doing $30k+ and even as high as almost $70k a month. I don’t have to work long hours and I have a very small staff.

Oh and that travel stuff, I’ve done a lot of that. Visiting new places, meeting new people, and enjoying new places.

In all, I had to change my thinking about my agency. Do things differently than others were currently and rethink the whole thing.

I’m also really glad I found SWAPD so that I can exchange some of my information and learn new information. I’m still always interested in growing and want to contribute as much as I can.


That’s such an inspiring story! Congratulations!



Man this is so good and inspiring. Congratulations :tada::heart:

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