
Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: 365000
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: I bought this website and FB group along with several others (one was a competitor so I bought them all to get it) and it is a very active group. The group is about a brand of motorcycles and since india is the number buyer of motorcycles in the world most of the members are from there. The group has had about 28k new members over the past month and grows by hundreds of new members each day.

I will include a website with it but I have not done much yet to make money on it but considering how some post get as many as 100k views it would be perfect to run cpa offers on or do give aways for incentive based cpa offers. Or just run adsense or other types of ads on the site and drive traffic to the site from the group.

I do use the group right now to make money but it is not related to motorcycles. I promote a cpa for gambling offers in india which has done well but as active as the page is I think some motorcycle offers would do much better. Over 250k active members over the past month. The group is about two years old.

PM me if you have any questions.

Sorry, for now we’re shutting down group sales as they’re unsafe. Yet another method is out of pulling them back.