New Category Alert: Reputation Repair Services

We’ve just opened a brand-new category called Reputation Repair Services, and it’s here to help you keep your online image clean as our uptime record!

What’s This New Category About?

Our new Reputation Repair Services category is all about helping you remove those pesky negative reviews, unwanted links, and damaging videos that can harm your online reputation. Whether it’s a bad Google review, a misleading Yelp comment, or a spiteful Trustpilot rant, this category is your one-stop shop for cleaning up your digital footprint.

Why Did We Create This Category?

We’ve noticed a growing demand for services that help people and businesses manage their online reputations. It’s no secret that sometimes reviews are left out of spite or because of competition trying to get a leg up. That’s why we decided to bring this category out into the open for everyone to access, including guests. No more hiding in the shadows of the Odd Services section! This new category is open to the public, meaning more visibility and more sales for our sellers.

What’s Not Allowed?

This category is strictly for removing negative reviews, links, and videos. It’s not a place for services that ban users or manipulate ratings. We want to keep things ethical and focused on genuine reputation repair. If you’re looking for banning services, you’ll need to look elsewhere.

Why Is This Important?

Your online reputation is super important. It can make or break how people see you or your business. With the rise of social media and online reviews, one bad comment can spread like wildfire. That’s why our Reputation Repair Services are here to help you get rid of those unfair reviews and keep your image shining bright.

A Fast-Growing Niche

We’ve seen a sharp rise in the need for reputation repair services. In fact, it’s the fastest-growing niche we’ve ever seen on SWAPD! And it’s not just popular—it’s lucrative too. If you’re a seller, this is a great opportunity to tap into a market that’s booming and well-paid.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Checkout the new category here:


I will repeat: this niche is growing fast and is well-paid. Motivated sellers should look into providing these services due to the high payouts involved. In addition, this category is seen on /latest (home page), so you will get more sales!


Any questions?