New rules for the domain category!

We’re noticing an influx of low-quality (trash like) offers in our domain section. To combat this, we will now vet listings there and remove topics we deem low quality. On top of that, using Godaddy & Estibot domain estimations is now forbidden in your listing descriptions. Their estimator tool is worthless and provides inaccurate data.

That is all, thank you for understanding.


What provides accurate data ???

No appraisal tool will give you accurate data

Depends on what the market is willing to pay. In a healthy market, domains might sell for way over asking and sometimes they will sit there.

How do you distinguish low from high quality? Where do you draw the line and how? Or is it solely based on @RandyMarsh oracle?

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Haha, why do you think I gave @RandyMarsh the job? He acts as a heat shield for me, because no matter which domain I remove I always get yelled at.

Anyway, we’re restructuring the domain category tomorrow. There will be a section for premium, for non-English, for turnkey, etc. But only premium will be shown on front page. Also, some rules on what is premium would be nice.

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Can we put a filter in for people who plan to sell their website for $5000 but have little to no proof of income, or ways they have been getting the traffic?

That’s up to @RandyMarsh. This is his house now.

I decide what is good enough, I guess. I’m not an expert but I’m in the field for ages so I can determine if a domain is good enough to be called “premium”
worst case scenario @SWAPD will “fire” me


if your survive 24 hrs, you’ve done better than @Goofy

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Those are too many categories. Sections for Premium/Other ones could be enough in my opinion.

Seller: Selling
Yair: Son, here is the spotlight tag.



There will be sub categories, they won’t clutter much.


Dude I just spilled my tea reading this.

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You can laugh until tomorrow, but you have no idea how much I sold :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smirk::drooling_face:

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