Original Gaming Content !

Service type: Gaming Content Creation
Price:Varies Per Order

Description: I am offering a unique service where I will create you original gaming content that involves the series GTA to use for your social media pages. The clips range from 1-3 minutes depending on what you need. I can create these clips to be anywhere from 720p - 4k so that will also factor into the final price.

Bare minimum order is 50 clips and can do up to 200 clips.

Why use this service?
These clips are good for social media such as Facebook,YouTube ect when it comes to
Original content,they are in the form of a Timelapse which could help with things such as watch time,reach,content,engagement and more. I will give an example of a longer video below

Example - https://youtu.be/6ouvtjBQv9s?si=OVHCrBe_s-cePzaH

These clips would be exactly like the one above but shorter 1-3 minutes, it will also include different locations with unique randomness from In-game NPC behaviors so no clip will ever be the same even if it’s in the same location. Another reason this service is unique is because it’s not limited to just GTA San Andreas as the example above but other games in the series as well so you can pick the game of your choice. File size after everything is done can range from 9GB - 200GB+

To help gauge a price a standard 720p bundle of 50 original clips would cost $200