Partnered Twitch Account - 33 emote slots unlocked w/ a 70/30 revenue split

Account type: Partnered Twitch account
Price: $2500 OBO

Description: I am selling Partnered Twitch account with a Premium partnership

The account has instead of the regular 50/50 split it has a 70/30 revenue split meaning more money in your pocket

It has 33 emote slots unlocked and you can upload 33 of your very own emotes to use and for your subs.

Name of the account can be changed to anything you want.

Stats 8.1 k followers and 334,500 views


PM with any questions.

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what games do you stream on here?

you can stream anything you like, its had all sorts of games on it, League of Legends, Fortnite, Apex, COD you name it. But you can stream anything

did you do any face reveals?or were any face reveals done?

there was streaming on it with a cam yes, but its been inactive for a while, its eligible for a name change so if you did that, and changed all the graphics, no one would recognize or wwonder anything

Can you send me the handle to this account. Looking to buy quickly

how many viewers tune in on average

pm me the handle please!

pm me link

Still available? Send handle please
