Poll: Should we open our own email service for transfers?

As you may know, any transfer that includes problematic emails such as Gmail/Hotmail/Aol/Yahoo can cause problems. Many times, the inboxes get suspended, locked, etc. Ever since we’ve started asking sellers to move to ProtonMail that problem significantly decreased. However, even ProtonMail is starting to mimic the bigger guys and is now disabling inboxes. @Goofy pitched an idea today in our admin backroom that we should open our own email service dedicated just to transfers. We would like to ask our members to see what they think about this possibility because on our end we only see good sides, but I am sure we’re omitting something.

Possible pros:

  • Your email would never get locked out.
  • In the case of pullbacks via secondary emails on the account, we would have more control/options.

Possible cons:

We will leave that up to you guys. The only one we can think of is living a digital footprint that would indicate that the account has been sold, as our domain would be in the history of email changes. To combat this, we would have to create a friendly domain that is not associated with SWAPD.

Vote and leave your comments and concerns below!

Should SWAPD open its own email service?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


I like it!

From what @Goofy told us, ProtonMail is open source. Not sure if their license would allow us to install it for commercial use, but if it did, we would just copy their system :smiley:

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Yes please !!!

How soon could you develop this? Trust me, it would be so useful for everyone here on SWAPD. It seems like ProtonMail is slowly becoming Gmail in that security aspect, which sucks, but it is what it is.

Everything is open source until the other party notices. :smiley: And even if they did, then we would just blame @RandyMarsh.

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Not sure if we can do this yet, first we want to see if this is something worth pursuing.

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Definitely yes. If there’s anything I can help with, count me in.

I would like to hear from the people who voted NO. Why not?

I will be agree if this mail name different,
This means that there is no Swapd name at the beginning of the mail…
Can be: - skynetinc or other as your choose


Second this ^