Popular Youtube Channel For Sale Earning $25K Per Month

Amount of subscribers: 158K
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: TV Shows
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Organic Networks/Software/Automation):


Lifetime Largest Demographic (USA) Check photo

  • The channel is an entertainment-focused business that monetizes its YouTube channel through advertisements.
  • The business relies on Google AdSense as a key platform to generate revenue.
  • The channel has been operating since 2022 and has gained a significant following on its YouTube channel.
  • Revenue from the last 28 days: $25,498.25 USD
  • Revenue from the last 365 days: $297,650.55 USD
  • RPM = $8.00
  • Audience: 68,2% from USA


The channel operates primarily through its YouTube channel, where it uploads a variety of vintage shows for viewers to enjoy. The business has strategically leveraged its content to attract a large audience and drive engagement on its platform. By monetizing its videos through advertisements, the channel is able to generate revenue based on the number of views and clicks its videos receive.

In addition to ads, the channel may also engage in sponsorships or product placements within its videos to further increase revenue streams, something the channel has to take any considerable advantage. By collaborating with brands or advertisers that align with its content, the channel can create additional opportunities for monetization while maintaining the overall entertainment value of its channel.


The channel caters to a broad audience of viewers who have an interest in vintage television shows. The business attracts viewers who enjoy nostalgia and are looking to relive classic TV moments from the past. By curating a selection of popular vintage shows, the channel has been able to build a loyal following of fans who regularly engage with its content.


The channel utilizes YouTube as its primary platform for distributing content to viewers. The business leverages the features and capabilities of the YouTube platform to optimize its channel for monetization. By utilizing Google AdSense, the channel is able to effectively manage and track advertisements to maximize revenue potential.

To avoid copyright issues we make our content original and tranformative using different photos and short clips so the content fall under fair use allowed by youtube and is also guided by specific legal rules and criteria, outlined in U.S. copyright law (17 U.S. Code § 107)

You can take a look at it if you are curious U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index.


The channel has been in operation since 2022 and has steadily grown its revenue through its YouTube channel. By focusing on entertainment content and leveraging advertisements as a primary revenue stream, the channel has been able to establish a profitable business model. The business continues to explore opportunities for growth and expansion within the entertainment industry while maintaining a strong financial foundation.

The channel has 1 warning that expires in 21st of September 2024.



Wow. A channel that is actually making good money. Cant say I’ve seen this on here before. Wish I could afford it. Great post


$400k… Wake Up from your dream

Run the multiples bud.