Portfolio of crypto related domains low price

Hey i am selling this portfolio of related crypto domains for a low price PM if you’re intrested

1) Software Fork ( softwarefork.com )

Definition : when one or more developers permanently develops a codebase separately from other developers

2) Stale Block ( staleblock.com )

Definition : Blocks which were successfully mined but which aren’t included on the current best block chain, likely because some other block at the same height had its chain extended first.

3) Pre-mining ( pre-mining.com )

Definition : mining of a cryptocurrency before it is actually public and live, generally performed by its creator.

4) Bitcoin-js ( bitcoin-js.com )

Definition : A JavaScript Bitcoin library. Allows singing transactions and performing several elliptic curve operations.

5) Testnet 3 ( testnet3.com )

Definition : The latest version of testnet with another genesis block.

6) Average Down ( averagedown.com )

Definition : Buying more coins when the price is decreasing to average the overall price. It is an investment strategy.

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