Premium 1.7 Million Facebook Page Top FR + 68k facebook groupe + 181k instagram + 15.8k thread for the same page

Country of followers (majority): France
Amount of followers: 1.7 M
Topic/Niche: Quotes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic


i want to sell my network of facebook page ( with 1.7M, facebook group with 68.1K, instagram with 181k and threads with 15.8k) all of them are linked to the facebook page, i’m realy disapponted cause facebook didn’t list my country in the eligible countires for in-stream ad. Right now i’m only making money with selling t-shirts organicly without spending a penny:

my facebook page is premium and well known in french media and celebrities, her’s some stats:

30 - fb - stat

my instagram linked to the page is the best in market, i receive every days notifications that celebrities liked of commented one of my posts, her’s some screenshots :

her’s some stats for instagram page :

54 - insta - stat

haw the engagement in instagram page :worried:

some posts in the thread account :

if you have any question thank to reply to this topic and i will reply.

Best regards.