Premium IG Giveaways | Proper Pricing | LIMITED SLOTS | SWAPD SPECIAL |

When’s the next giveaway?

hi do you have any for this month?

Can you send me details


please send me the details and earliest availability

details and latest availability please

anyone have a review of this service?

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Still happening?

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Hello every we are back to taking orders!
October 20th Giveaway

I paused the giveaway service because I was moving, they are running again, please check your DM’s. I’ve done over 20 tickets just for these giveaways and have many good reviews.

Well, you can get in on the October 20th giveaway if you like.

Dmed everyone. Sold out for Oct.

Next Giveaway Nov 10

hey, im interested! dm me

thank you :slight_smile:

Can you send me details on upcoming giveaways please

Hi interested. Can you send details for the current or next giveaway. Want to sign up.

Hey im interested ! Pls send me details for current or next giveaway as well. Thx!

@simonettalein (2.3m)
@gabiluthai (2.3m)
@wonderful_places (13.3m)
@bestplaces_togo (2.2m)
@beaches_n_resorts (2.8m)
@agatha (1m)
@senorita_jessy (6.3m)
@jamillph (3.6m)

October 27th


560 for a giveaway, expect 12k, but I guarantee 8k