Service type: Major blog Magazines
Price: 500 - 2600 $
Description: Instant Credibility
Press & Publications
Get published in top ranking sources worldwide!
Do I Need Press?
Why is having press so valuable for your brand?
Press drives your brand instant credibility and authority online. We help flood your name all over google on high ranking sources so when someone looks you up…YOU"RE THERE!
In 2021, everyone is using the internet as we all know which is why it’s more important than ever to build a strong presence. Press gives you organic search results so when someone looks into you, they can learn about you, understand your story and instantly feel more trust!
Everyone wants to be verified but unfortunately that just isn’t possible without press and publications. This is the first step to verifying your brand online forever legitimizing who you are in your industry and positioning your brand at the top where it deserves to be!
Benefits of Having Press
Immediate Credibility
We insure that when someone searches your name on google they are flooded with article links talking about your brand. Driving you instant credibility so people trust you immediately! -
Massive Exposure
We get you articles in the top ranking sources, websites and magazines in the world getting thousands of new eyes on your brand immediately. New people now come across your brand with instant trust so you can easily convert them into a loyal customer! -
More Business
We live by, “Your Network is Your Net worth”. When you have press written about you all over the internet, your network immediately expands now having the opportunity of millions of new eyes that would have never known about you before learning about your brand!
Your Questions , Our Answers!
Do I need press ? : Of course! Anyone taking their brand seriously online must have credible press released about themselves all over the internet.
How much does it cost: Prices vary depending on how much press you want/need. Typically, press release prices start at $500 and go up from their depending on the articles, how many you want and other factors.
Can press get me verified: Simply stated, Yes. Press is a major component in getting verified on all social media platforms and a MUST have in order to be eligible. Interested in what you would need to be eligible?..Ask the specialist on your consultation call!
What would the articles be about : YOU, of course! Once you purchase, we send you out a questionnaire gathering all the info that YOU want written about and professional writers create premium articles based on what you tell us…you create the narrative and we write it!
If your interested and would like to proceed shoot me a text and once process is in motion I will give you full details of the steps !
** Down At The Bottom ** I will provide you the full inventory of magazines and other services related to press for you to look at.