PSA to sellers. Don't choose crypto as a form of payment if your transaction is under 200-500 USD


We see this over and over again. Some sellers start low-end transactions (for example, 100 USD) and pick ETH (or any other crypto as a form of payment). After the transaction is completed, they’re wondering why they received 50-60% of the original payment. Network fees, along with additional wallet fees, cause significant losses in small payments. ETH fee alone will eat 30 USD out of the 100 USD example I’ve mentioned above.

Cryptocurrencies aren’t friendly for low-end transactions, period.

It’s time we discussed this so users are aware. If your transaction is under 500 USD, as much as I hate to promote this company, your best bet will be PayPal. Why? Because bank wires are expensive, moving crypto can be expensive (not always), so if you have to pick something for smaller transactions, please pick PayPal. Alternatively, if you have to use crypto, please use BTC or USDT. BTC may not always be cheaper, but it’s way better than ETH. Also, many users tend to forget that crypto is volatile, the value constantly changes. The payment we’ve received from your buyer 30 days ago may not be the same during payout. I am amazed how many (even regular) users forget about this.

Please remember, SWAPD charges a flat, 20 USD fee for transactions under 200 USD.

Our progressive fee does not apply to transactions under 200 USD. We had sellers open service tickets for 45 USD, sometimes via ETH. By the time the transaction would be complete, the seller would owe us money. Yes, we stop such transactions, but these low-end tickets happen many times. And many times, the sellers are mad at us.

To recap - Start using PayPal

We don’t mind small tickets, but we do mind sellers giving us problems just because they didn’t think things through. Picking the most expensive crypto to move on a 50 USD ticket isn’t wise. We can help you pick the right payment method, so if you’re unsure about things, contact @Administrators prior to starting one. We will do our best to steer you in the right direction.

/end rant.