PSA: You can now reply to SWAPD PM's via email!

Over time, we’ve learned that many unresponsive sellers and buyers were responding to our messages by responding directly to the email notification they get, when a new message is sent to them. Up until today, the replies you sent via email never made it into the SWAPD conversation. But that’s changed now!

If you’re on the road, or unable to access SWAPD for whatever reason, you can now respond to messages & tickets via email.


If you have email notifications snoozed, you will have to re-enable those in order to use the respond by email-feature (otherwise there will be no emails to answer :sweat_smile:)


We also have an app for both Android and iPhone, so make sure to download that too :smiley: Thx!


Finally! Can’t believe how many people kept responding to our notification emails that clearly said DO NOT RESPOND.

To know whether the reply was sent from an email, all you need to do is look for this icon:

Vibrant for admin

He called me Nub, though.

Bumping because this feature is useful. USE IT!

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We’re experiencing issues with the reply by email function. Working on a fix as we speak.