Publishing your Unpublished Page

Hello Everyone,

I’ve seen a few topics here on SWAPD , pages are getting unpublished, limits are being placed and when someone appeal the decisions, Their pages are getting deleted.

First , let me tell you why are pages being flagged or unpublished.

  1. If you post videos, images or links, that you have not created yourself, or they are already posted on Facebook somewhere else first, You are reposting someone else’s content that triggers the AI at Facebook. A limit on your page is does not mean that it was flagged by the AI for the first time. It means there were many incidents where AI flagged your content and then you were hit with limits.

If you value your page, create your own content. Create your own videos by using stock footage, your own footage, add voice overs. Voice overs not only produce the best results , but they also make your content totally unique.

If you post links of websites, make sure to verify your business in the business manager and your website link in the manager. This way facebook knows you are only posting links that you own.

  1. Stop doing s4s and sharing your page’s posts in too many groups. It is flagged as artificial distribution, which is stated in the facebook’s Policies. The AI , monitoring pages , posts and admins, have evolved pretty much that you cannot fool it. Avoid sharing one page’s post to another page’s post, even if you own both the pages. If you are working with Ad-Breaks, don’t even think of sharing your videos to other pages.

  2. When you promote someone on facebook page , as editor or admin, or you demote someone by removing them from being admin, You instantly trigger the AI. It believes that the page has been taken over by someone else, via fair or unfair means. It will instantly place limits on your page, unpublish it or even delete it. If you want someone to be admin on a page or want to buy a page from someone, make sure that you are friends with the seller on the facebook profile, the profile which is admin on the page. Wait at least 15-20 days , then demote them to editor or analyst. After a few days, ask them to remove themselves, you must not remove them.

  3. If you run pages , let’s say you are from United states and you run pages that are totally targeted towards some other country, and are not related to the country you are in. Stop doing that. A page being operated from Pakistan with the name of I support trump, has nothing to do with Pakistan. Only run pages that are either in a generic global niche, or the main target is your own country.

Okay , so you have a bit of knowledge now, about why pages are getting flagged.
Here’s process that can help you as it helped a few of my friends recently.

When you receive a notification or email from facebook about any limits or unpublishing of your page, Do not panic, do not appeal or email them. As most of us are angry at that time and we don’t appeal properly.
Sit down, relax, calm yourself and then grab your laptop.
Start deleting all of the posts that you have shared in the past 2-3 years.
Clean everything, from status posts, to links , to images, Videos that only you own and are not posted anywhere else before you , you can either keep them or it’s better to delete them too.
If you can’t delete them from creator studio or via the phone app, try go to your page from here and delete everything .

Wait for a few days , and then If there’s a limit placed, post a unique video or image that you own, boost that post, and then contact facebook’s publisher support via chat from here : Redirecting... . Make sure to have a running ad at the time you contact them, ask them that there has been some issue with the page and you need their help. Be polite, very very polite . Most of the time they’ll help you reinstate your page and you will be good to go.

Never appeal directly from the page notification. If your page is still having limits and chat support couldn’t help, the last option is to submit an appeal.

If your page is unpublished and you cannot access chat support, then delete all stuff and appeal after a few days.

Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


@SWAPD If posted in the wrong category, Please change the category. :slight_smile:

Very nice write up. Moving to Public Blog!


We need to promote a post on an unpublished page ?

No. Promote a post on a page that has limits but is not unpublished.

1 Like

I have a page where I am the only one on Facebook posting my specific videos, but I created a second page where I basically just repost those videos. Will this second page be flagged, or is it unlikely since I own both and no1 else would have this content

Hello, and can you tell me what can I do if i cannot delete posts using every method? I have tried everything… It just don’t let me delete one single post!
Thank you!

that post was or it is used in an ad. try and delete the post from the ad manager and will disapear for sure

I run two very large pages and havent had the problem…ive just been waiting for it to happen. All content is original though so this put my mind at ease. Thank you.

thank you, very helpful


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Wow. I cannot share any memes or beautiful photos I find, ever?


Is this still working?

Is not working anymore