Quotes iG page 130k followers

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 130,000
Topic/Niche: Quotes
Does it include the OG (original) email?: No
Promotion methods used(Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Follow/unfollow

Selling this very active Instagram quotes account with a good username!

Account currently have limits of shadowban its temporary (probably 14 days ) :slight_smile: (Hashtags/and explore)

Username, price and insights please?

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Curious how do you know the shadowban is 14days?
Is there a way or a notification…

While posting I noticed wasn’t able to hashtag anymore so i looked it up

Thats what they say but no one really knows. I would suggest stop posting for a while, that makes it go away quicker

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Thanks i changed in topic… also not posting will ruins engagement and not sure about that limits will be lifted off

Username please

what happened to the OG email. would buy immediately if the OG email was included

Oge is disabled i think plus this current emIl is using from long time

Username & price?

it is 14 days – that’s well known and often 99.99 percent of the time.

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May I get the handle please

So they say.
I guess it depends on the reason too.
Sometimes it has been quicker sometimes longer.
No activity on the account helped speed it up

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Hi there, please pm handle and price

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