Reminder about no prepayment services!

+1 to this

Pick sellers who don’t do that, then! Or don’t allow extensions and leave proper feedback, to warn others.

Sometimes as you’ve said, it’s even “reputable” people who do that kind of stuff unfortunately. The system SWAPD uses over all is amazing, like a well oiled machine - the ranking system, all the different services offered, safety concern signs, the way the admins run things, the way tickets work, rating system, …. Etc, over all it’s very well run. The no pre-payments for trusted buyers system (I thought) was also part of that well oiled machine and was honestly a huge incentive for me to want to get VIP right away

That being said I’ve definitely started closing down tickets right when a deadline isn’t met, and leaving strong reviews on posts as well as on the sellers page to warn others. Only thing with that is there’s only so much you can say on the reviews before it gets cut off


Loving your review you left him on April 4th though :sweat_smile:
Sorry for you loss, btw.

Then, What are some of the real life examples of using the Victim funds have been like on Swapd?

Ik it’s in the name and self explanatory but still want to get clarification when it’s actually used in some and what practical situations?

We go case by case based on our own judgment. We don’t have clear policies on this, and even if we did, we wouldn’t reveal what gets compensated and what doesn’t, because that would give scammers an instant blueprint on how to siphon off the funds. The funds are used in extreme cases where there is indisputable proof of wrongdoing by the seller.

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Agreed. And yes, fair enough. It should never be revealed and should always be based on the Admin’s judgement, I believe. Since You and the staff you brought along run this system like a well-oiled machinery as another user pointed out above. So you definitely know what to do and how to make the rules & abide them.

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Wtf are no pre payment tickets?

You pay not upfront, but when the service is completed.

I thought you had to pay ticket for service to start


In some cases when your service is not 100℅ guaranteed then in that cases there is post payment ticket.

No way, bro you are mad nice, how could someone even.

Only losers scam people, especially within their own community.

Thanks brother

I do like the concept of it. but i do advice this to be available for verification services only As a user who already tried more then 2 tickets and my money is freeze for over a month and then another trial for another month its just a waste of time and effort. and it must be for members who already have a good record here.

Verification takes from 15 days to 1 month

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Even if seller agree on No Prepayment admins allow to no upfront in that case too

If someone cares a lot about the blocked funds, they are not doing a good management of their bank, only the times should matter to them :white_heart:

I think No Prepayment should only be given to BIG Vips with reviews, and if they make issues, must have a ban time thing! :sparkles: New users should never be given no pre payment things!